3D animation,rigging,coding, math ,fun stuff welcome !

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Soon to be replaced ...

WIP - okay we're little futher,implimented the stretch system into my leg setups and the same we'll go for the spine and the arms.I am giving all the credit to Brad Clark .This system has on/off switch and blends nicely between ik/fk so pretty much full control.I just ran into little problem with my remaining IKs on the legs .problem was when i switch to fk and turn off the stretch system my ball ik and toe ik stay pointing at the endEffector of that particular ik. I have to go over it and catch this error before i move on to the arms and spine.Othe rthan that the complexity is growing ,but I have to say that swaping stuff or adjusting certain parts on this rig is soooooo easy no struggel at ALL . I thought that non-flipping knee control would be good but than i changed my mind and created the same system i created for the arms .The PVcontrol follows everywhere with an option to blend between follow the character or stay locked in the world.Brad YOU"RE THE MAN. I have learn so much from you. more to come.......:) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

JD said...

Keep up te good work, buddy;) I'll see in about two months...