/*Author:Rick Fronek (aka melvin3D)
Author : rickfronek@gmail.com
Description: Simple utility that creates joints or locators in given selection
Only works on transform nodes. No underworld or component selection will
work in the current version. Update soon.
that code may destroy any of your project. Don't be blaming me. :)
I tested that code should work any of maya version 2008 and after.
Did not check for earlier.
usage : Select a any transform node and choose your option and run the tool.
Next version will work with component selection to create and align
the creation object type accordingly.
proc string[] rf_createLocatorJoint(int $type , string $g_locGrpName , float $locSize , int $orientON_OFF)
string $ctrl = "";
string $con[] = `ls -sl -type "transform"`;
string $matchLoc = "";
// store new joints
string $newJoints[0];
// store the loc
string $jointName = "";
// store the created locator ---> $locTmp[0] = transform node
// locTmp[1] = shape node
string $locTmp[0];
// these are locs that match pos and ori of all face joint.
// return these to work on them later.
string $returnAllLocs[0];
string $returnAllJoints[0];
string $Shape[0]; // shape of teh locator to adjust its scale
string $joint = ""; // store the creation of the joint
// number of selected joints
int $iSizeLocs = `size($con)`;
// get the color from the locar slider UI
int $colorQ = `colorIndexSliderGrp -q -v COLORSlider`;
// check if there is any selection
if(`size($con)` == 0)
error ("No selection made !");
// check if the node "g_locGrpName" exists
if(`objExists $g_locGrpName` == 0)
group -em -w -name $g_locGrpName;
select -cl;
// loop start
$i = 0;
for($ctrl in $con)
// get/print info about the listed nodes.
// coordinates , names , how many in the selection
// =============================
$i += 1;
print($ctrl + " " + "\[" + $i + "\]\n");
// get the world coordinates
float $pos[] = `xform -query -translation $ctrl`;
print("X: " + $pos[0] + " , " + "Y : " + $pos[1] + " , " + "Z : " + $pos[2] + "\n");
// =============================
case 1: // when create type is joint , orientation (WORLD - LOCAL)
// create a locator at 0 0 0
$locTmp = `spaceLocator -a -p 0 0 0 -n ($ctrl + "_mc")`;
// store the result of the loc into a single string .
$matchLoc = $locTmp[0];
// get the shape of the locator first
$Shape = `listRelatives -s $matchLoc`;
// if you do create locator confirm the shape node and change the color.
if(`size($Shape)` > 0)
// change the color on creation so i can easily view it.
setAttr ($matchLoc + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($matchLoc + ".overrideColor") ($colorQ - 1);
if ($orientON_OFF) // if orient is True !
// create a group that orients based on the selected object
string $TmpGrp = `group -em -w -n ($matchLoc + "_ori")`;
// point and orient snap it to the jaw joint
// using pont/orient instead of xform cmd . I dont care if it is in
// local or world coordinate system. I just want to match the
// position and orientation.
string $TmpPointConst[] = `pointConstraint -w 1 $ctrl $TmpGrp`;
string $TmpOrientConst[] = `orientConstraint -w 1 $ctrl $TmpGrp`;
// delete the constraints
delete $TmpPointConst;
delete $TmpOrientConst;
// parent the loc under the jawGrp
parent $matchLoc $TmpGrp;
// zero out the channels t match the jaw transformations
setAttr ($matchLoc + ".translate") 0 0 0;
setAttr ($matchLoc + ".rotate") 0 0 0;
// Eventually parent the jaw group under the $g_locGrpName node whatever it is.
if(`objExists $g_locGrpName`)
rename $g_locGrpName ($g_locGrpName + "_tmp");
parent $TmpGrp ($g_locGrpName + "_tmp");
rename ($g_locGrpName + "_tmp") $g_locGrpName;
// adjust the size of the jaw locator
setAttr ($Shape[0] + ".localScale") $locSize $locSize $locSize;
// add the jaw loc to my return list as well
$returnAllLocs[size($returnAllLocs)] = $matchLoc;
// parent it to the controller
parent $matchLoc $ctrl;
// zero out the translations and rotations to match the transformation of the parent
setAttr ($matchLoc + ".tx") 0;
setAttr ($matchLoc + ".ty") 0;
setAttr ($matchLoc + ".tz") 0;
setAttr ($matchLoc + ".rx") 0;
setAttr ($matchLoc + ".rx") 0;
setAttr ($matchLoc + ".rx") 0;
// once you match the pos and ori unparent it again.
parent -w $matchLoc;
// re-parent it back into matchingLocGrp node.
if(`objExists $g_locGrpName`)
rename $g_locGrpName ($g_locGrpName + "_tmp");
parent $matchLoc ($g_locGrpName + "_tmp");
rename ($g_locGrpName + "_tmp") $g_locGrpName;
// freeze transformations on rotations
// keep the trans available to match joints based on XYZ
makeIdentity -a true -r true $matchLoc;
// change the color on creation so i can easily view it.
setAttr ($Shape[0] + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($Shape[0] + ".overrideColor") ($colorQ - 1);
// adjust the scale of the locator based on the argument
setAttr ($Shape[0] + ".localScale") $locSize $locSize $locSize;
// store each elem into my listso we can call it.
$returnAllLocs[size($returnAllLocs)] = $matchLoc;
// once youre done with the loop clean the arrays .
clear $newJoints;
clear $locTmp;
clear $returnAllLocs;
clear $returnAllJoints;
clear $Shape;
case 2: // when create type is joint , orientation (WORLD)
//print($ctrl + "\n");
// the creation of joints ..you have to have only one node
// selected before you create a joint. Loop still apply here.
select -cl;
// get the location in XYZ of the selected source node.
float $pos[] = `xform -q -t -ws $ctrl`;
// create joint
$joint = `joint -n ($ctrl + "_jnt")`;
// match the position of the source node
joint -e -a -p $pos[0] $pos[1] $pos[2] $joint;
// change the color of the joint based on the colorIndex
setAttr ($joint + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($joint + ".overrideColor") ($colorQ - 1);
// parent the joint under the master grp
parent $joint $g_locGrpName;
select -cl;
// store each elem into my listso we can call it.
$returnAllJoints[size($returnAllJoints)] = $joint;
// afain clean if you deal with joints .
clear $newJoints;
clear $locTmp;
clear $returnAllLocs;
clear $returnAllJoints;
clear $Shape;
} // loop end
// select the master loc group when finished.
select -r $g_locGrpName;
// let me know we're done...
print "Done working .....";
print "\n";
//return the list of all locators created during the process
return $returnAllLocs;
} // end proc.
global proc rf_alingObjectLogic()
// Query the infor from the UI
// joints or locators
int $creationType = `radioButtonGrp -q -sl "RC_0"`;
// This is either default or custom parent group
int $parentName = `radioButtonGrp -q -select "RC_1"`;
// grab the name of the custom name IF specified
string $customName = `textField -q -tx "TxtField1"`;
// world or local
int $orientation = `radioButtonGrp -q -sl "RC_2"`;
string $node = "";
// Execute the procedures based on settings the user chooses.
if($creationType == 1)
if(($parentName == 1) && ($orientation == 1))
string $returnLocators[] = rf_createLocatorJoint(1,"g_loc_Guiders", 1.0 , 0);
for($node in $returnLocators)
print ($node + "\n");
if($creationType == 2)
if(($parentName == 1) && ($orientation == 1))
string $returnJoints[] = rf_createLocatorJoint(2,"g_jointGrp", 1.0 , 0);
for($joint in $returnJoints)
print ($node + "\n");
if($creationType == 1)
if (($parentName == 1) && ($orientation == 2))
string $returnLocators[] = rf_createLocatorJoint(1,"g_Loc_Guiders", 1.0 , 1);
for($node in $returnLocators)
print ($node + "\n");
if($creationType == 2)
if (($parentName == 1) && ($orientation == 2))
string $returnJoints[] = rf_createLocatorJoint(2,"g_jointGrp", 1.0 , 0);
for($joint in $returnJoints)
print ($node + "\n");
if($creationType == 1)
if(($parentName == 2) && ($orientation == 1))
string $returnLocators[] = rf_createLocatorJoint(1,$customName, 1.0 , 0);
for($node in $returnLocators)
print ($node + "\n");
if($creationType == 2)
if(($parentName == 2) && ($orientation == 1))
string $returnJoints[] = rf_createLocatorJoint(2,$customName, 1.0 , 0);
for($joint in $returnJoints)
print ($node + "\n");
if($creationType == 1)
if (($parentName == 2) && ($orientation == 2))
string $returnLocators[] = rf_createLocatorJoint(1,$customName, 1.0 , 1);
for($node in $returnLocators)
print ($node + "\n");
if($creationType == 2)
if (($parentName == 2) && ($orientation == 2))
string $returnJoints[] = rf_createLocatorJoint(2,"g_jointGrp", 1.0 , 0);
for($joint in $returnJoints)
print ($node + "\n");
} // end proc
// ===================================================
global proc rf_jointLocCreateToolUI()
if(`window -q -ex "locWindow"`) deleteUI -wnd "locWindow";
window -t "CreateObjectUI" -rtf true locWindow;
columnLayout - adj true;
// panel #1
frameLayout -lv false
-bs "etchedIn"
-cl false
-cll false;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3
-cw 1 130
-co 1 "left" 4
-cw 2 125
-cw 3 105
-rat 2 "both" 3; // aligns the row in nice line
// elem #1
text -l "Choose object type :" -fn "plainLabelFont" -ann "Choose what you want to create locators/joints";
// elem #2
radioButtonGrp -nrb 2
-la2 "Locators" "Joints"
-cw 1 65
-select 1
-cw 2 80
-on1 "radioButtonGrp -e -en2 true RC_2;"
-of1 "radioButtonGrp -e -en2 false RC_2; radioButtonGrp -e -select true RC_2;" RC_0;
setParent ..; setParent ..;
// panel #2
frameLayout -lv false
-bs "etchedIn"
-cl false
-cll false;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3
-cw 1 130
-co 1 "left" 4
-cw 2 125
-cw 3 105
-rat 2 "both" 3; // aligns the row in nice line
// elem #1
text -l "Choose name [Group] :" -fn "plainLabelFont" -ann "Name of the parent grp for all your locators";
// elem #2
radioButtonGrp -nrb 2
-la2 "Default" "Custom"
-cw 1 65
-select 1
-cw 2 80
-on1 "textField -e -ed false TxtField1; textField -e -text \"\" TxtField1;"
-of1 "textField -e -ed true TxtField1;" RC_1;
// elem #3
textField -h 22 -ed false TxtField1;
setParent ..; setParent ..;
// panel #3
frameLayout -lv false
-bs "etchedIn"
-cl false
-cll false;
rowColumnLayout -nc 2
-cw 1 130
-co 1 "left" 4
-cw 2 170
-rat 2 "both" 1; // // aligns the row in nice line
// elem #1
text -l "Choose Orientation :" -fn "plainLabelFont";
// elem #2
radioButtonGrp -nrb 2
-la2 "World" "Local"
-cw 1 65
-cw 2 60
-select 1
-ann "Choose how you align the locators" RC_2;
setParent ..; setParent ..; // all for the parent layout
// panel #4
frameLayout -lv false
-bs "etchedIn"
-cl false
-cll false;
colorIndexSliderGrp -l "Locator color :"
-cw 1 132
-columnAttach 1 "left" 4
-cw 2 70
-min 0
-max 20
-value 10 COLORSlider;
setParent ..; setParent ..; // all for the parent layout
// panel #5
frameLayout -lv false
-bs "etchedIn"
-cl false
-cll false;
columnLayout -adj true;
text -l "TD - [rickfronek@gmail.com]" -fn "smallBoldLabelFont";
setParent ..; setParent ..; // all for the parent layout
// Execute panel
frameLayout -lv false
-bs "etchedIn"
-cl false
-cll false
-h 30;
rowColumnLayout -nc 3
-cw 1 120
-cw 2 120
-cw 3 121;
button -l "Reset Tool" -h 26 -ann "Reset to default" -c "radioButtonGrp -e -sl true RC_0;radioButtonGrp -e -sl true RC_1; radioButtonGrp -e -sl 1 RC_2; textField -e -tx \" \" TxtField1; textField -e -ed false TxtField1; colorIndexSliderGrp -e -value 10 COLORSlider;";
button -l "Cancel / Close" -ann "Cancel Cmd" -c "deleteUI -wnd locWindow;";
button -l "RUN" -ann "Run script" -c "{rf_alingObjectLogic();}";
// edit the size
window -e -wh 373 186 locWindow;
// show window
showWindow locWindow;
} // end proc
/* NOTES :*/
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