Copyright (C) 2009 Rick Fronek
Python Script File:
Function List:
Update Date: Feb 07 2010
Description: Sometimes I get a skeleton from a client and all or some
joints degrees of freedom are locked. This scripts goes through
and makes sure that selected joints have DOF checked ON/OFF.
Install :
Put it into your maya script dir and then
rehash or restart maya. Use regular import.
from utils import dof_toggle
import maya.cmds as mc
def dof_toggle(value):
Simple function that grabs all the joints in the scene
and toggle Degrees of Freedom ON/OFF.
value == 0 >>> turn off the dof
value == 1 >>> turn on the dof
# get all joints
lJoints = mc.ls(type='joint')
print "Total joint found in the scene is %i" % (len(lJoints))
# simple loop
for joint in lJoints:
lX = mc.getAttr(joint + '.jointTypeX')
lY = mc.getAttr(joint + '.jointTypeY')
lZ = mc.getAttr(joint + '.jointTypeZ')
# if locked/unchecked - X axis
if lX == 0 and value == 0:
mc.setAttr(joint + '.jointTypeX',1)
mc.setAttr(joint + '.rx',lock=False)
# if unlocked/checked
elif lX == 1 and value == 1:
mc.setAttr(joint + '.jointTypeX',0)
mc.setAttr(joint + '.rx',lock=True)
# if locked/unchecked - X axis
if lY == 0 and value == 0:
mc.setAttr(joint + '.jointTypeY',1)
mc.setAttr(joint + '.ry',lock=False)
# if unlocked/checked
elif lY == 1 and value == 1:
mc.setAttr(joint + '.jointTypeY',0)
mc.setAttr(joint + '.ry',lock=True)
# if locked/unchecked - X axis
if lZ == 0 and value == 0:
mc.setAttr(joint + '.jointTypeZ',1)
mc.setAttr(joint + '.rz',lock=False)
# if unlocked/checked
elif lY == 1 and value == 1:
mc.setAttr(joint + '.jointTypeZ',0)
mc.setAttr(joint + '.rz',lock=True)
# confirm node in the scene
print joint,