3D animation,rigging,coding, math ,fun stuff welcome !

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Soon to be replaced ...

WIP..Hi guys ..I couldn't sleep as always ..it's 2.00 am and i am still working ..I was messing around with the rig and found more problems ...Have to JUMP on it tomorrow morning,THAT needs to be fixed right away. I started coding the UI for this guy ,I dont know how far I am going to be able to take it ...I am still learning MEL which I love sooooo much ..but I thought the UI could look sexy like this.Okay..now it's 3.45 am and fixed some of the bugs ,vsibility switches for the arms and legs when ik/fk with simple condition node that slip right in and i aslo have to close that geometry looks horrible !!! lets keep the PRO attitude here !! LOL..I am learning some camera tracking now to insert these guys into real footage see,how that's gonna work out ,also, if anyone feels like finishing designing that guy below with the big horns ,please feel free i wanna animate that guy so badly but i am not much of the designer.!!Animation tests of the AliasBoy is next ,I am gonna try to send the rig to few people i know to test animate him ...like a lead animator John C. from Face2Face studio ..maybe He'll give it a try if He's not too busy ...we'll see Okay it's one day later and i wanna add some comments to this .i finished the arms stretch system and add a lower back fk control that missed to actually create,but today i was beating the crap out of this rig trying to break it and found my missing control. lol.anyway ..it's 2 am I am little sleepy.i will continue on the UI tomorrow....more to come ...... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Soon to be replaced ...

WIP - okay we're little futher,implimented the stretch system into my leg setups and the same we'll go for the spine and the arms.I am giving all the credit to Brad Clark .This system has on/off switch and blends nicely between ik/fk so pretty much full control.I just ran into little problem with my remaining IKs on the legs .problem was when i switch to fk and turn off the stretch system my ball ik and toe ik stay pointing at the endEffector of that particular ik. I have to go over it and catch this error before i move on to the arms and spine.Othe rthan that the complexity is growing ,but I have to say that swaping stuff or adjusting certain parts on this rig is soooooo easy no struggel at ALL . I thought that non-flipping knee control would be good but than i changed my mind and created the same system i created for the arms .The PVcontrol follows everywhere with an option to blend between follow the character or stay locked in the world.Brad YOU"RE THE MAN. I have learn so much from you. more to come.......:) Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 11, 2006

Codee - color test

A beauty shot of Codee project straight from Maya using Vray renderer.
Total frame time [0h 44m 58.7s (2698.7 s)]

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Codee - test animation

Simple test of Codee project with 10 link rig. One day of work its
a combination of keyframe animation and dynamic simulation.Rendered
with Vray - Maya. MORE TO COME...😏

Dino - model

Shot of the creature ...This is a secomd time i replaced these shots ..always something i dont like about him ,so i keep fixing the little bugs...lol...more to come. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 24, 2006

Baby dino - extreme poses

Baby Dino in some extreme posses tests ,,He needs to withstand a lot I have big plans for him ...lol..good story...more to come.. Posted by Picasa

MutionBuilder - retargeting sample

Motion Builder - re-target and animated using control rigs and story. Sorry about the skinning but that's not the goal here. Offsetting motions combining motions in story and overall edit for better look. Simple finger pose library added and used to animate with. Took about a day to get this. MORE TO COME...😊

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Camera animation test

Testing camera animation using paths and different cuts and angles for this unfinished piece. Simple environment , some math expressions for the fans to run smooth and auto. More to come...😶

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

WIP..testing some basic materials... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Liquid - studies

Simple liquid sims to study liquid behavior and Real Flow application. More to come...🙄

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

WIP...facial expressions very basics ,I decided to put it on one pic just to save some space on the blog ..lol..also dont wanna annoy/harass you with one pic over and over again...lol...more to come !! Posted by Picasa

Eye character ...alias Mike Wazalski's twin evil brother.This one was done to fully test patch madelling and see how the patches will deform with wrap deformer.I used Indirect skinning using Lattices,Flexors,Clusters.This was back in version 5.5 where you couldn't have zero value points in deformers,little annoying but not a biggy .:) SORRY about the renders.grr. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 30, 2006

WIP ...no comment !! ...lol... Posted by Picasa

WIP..the same project different cam angle.. Posted by Picasa

WIP ... i just wanna add some wireframes for my buddy who was very curious to see them ..so there SUCKER !! Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 20, 2006

WIP ...DOF with MR shader ,,pretty cool and fast results instead of using camera's regular DOF effect ,MR's is very easy to setup. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

WIP ..the same bathroom place with some additional elements. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hi guys ..
I just wanna let you know that i will be posting some MEL scripts soon ..
just sort of collecting stuff together and writing these simple procedures ,nothing
I am trying to find out if i can post some animation examples here too .
Anyway ...there is more to come....

Sunday, January 08, 2006

WIP ...something older that never got finished ....lol Posted by Picasa

WIP .. IK/FK arms and legs ,IK/FK spine lots of switches ,autoClavicle ,stretchy spine and limbs ,gimble controls for the wrists ...more to come ...lol.. Posted by Picasa

WIP .. skeleton for the soldier ,,,,pretty okay rig but still full of bugs ...more to come ... Posted by Picasa

WIP ....lighting test ,,more is coming Posted by Picasa